The Nikki Clarke Show with Chantelle Hospedales

The Nikki Clarke Show is transforming lives, one story at a time.

Chantelle Hospedales attended the University of Toronto for her undergraduate education. She received a double major in Criminology and Equity Studies. Chantelle just finished her first year at Osgoode Hall Law School, and she is currently working for KIP Canada (formerly known as FEAT for Children of Incarcerated Parents). At KIP, Chantelle focuses on connecting with different community organizations and initiatives across the Greater Toronto Area, to create legally informed holistic programming for youth with parents that are currently incarcerated or recently released. In general, KIP Canada works to address the negative emotional,
psychological and physical impacts familial incarceration can yield. It is through their diverse
programing that KIP actively invests in the social, physical, and mental wellbeing of vulnerable youth.

Moving forward, Chantelle hopes to pursue a legal career that centers a human rights framework and imbues legal advocacy with a humanistic narrative. She will continue to advocate to create space and platforms for those who are affected by the Criminal Justice System in North America to voice their lived experiences and take part in creating a more equitable society
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